October 8, 2011

H Family

Love this family!  Big brother is in our son's class at church and we just love him!  This was a great shoot at a new location!  Hope to find a few more country locations soon!!

October 7, 2011

N Family

I posted these up on my facebook page, too, as usual.  I have had some really great sessions lately!  I love this one!  The boys were all sweet and it was fun having grandparents in a session! It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun and I had a ton of great shots of this wonderful family!

October 3, 2011

M Family

This was a fantastic family to work with!  They put up with my antics!  We had a guy drive by in this old Ford and he let us use it to take pictures with!  It was a dream come true.  This was a new location for me and I am very pleased with the results!  I used it in back to back sessions, as a matter of fact. Look for the other one soon!!!